Volume: Sheerness Dockyard, Sheerness

28 Feb 1846 - 2 Feb 1995
Sheerness Dockyard, Sheerness, Swale, Kent
Volume containing Photographic, Graphic, Textual and Miscellaneous material
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The material in this building file may also be duplicated in the individual site building files which are part of RCH01/108.

The file contains the following miniature format film prints: 223Y/14 - 36; 223Z/0 - 22, 24 - 37; 224A/1 - 17, 19 - 33, 35, 37;224B/1, 3 - 9, 23 - 37; 224C/00 - 3, 10 - 16, 17A, 19 - 37; 224D/1 - 14, 16 - 36, 38; 243Q/16, 22 - 3, 28 - 32, 35; MF001896/0 - 11, 15, 20.

The file also contains the following photographic prints: AA59/00803, AA59/00806, AA59/00809, AA59/00817, AA59/00820 - 22, AA59/00826 - 8, AA59/00832, AA59/00880, AA59/00886 - 7, AA59/00889 - 91, AA59/00893 - 5. National Maritime Museum photos - A2208, A1241, 3319, 4868, 7279 and also BL32372 f94, 32372 f96 and 21139 f8.

There is a duplicate set of photojob 94/01964 included in this file as the original set has been subdivided into the various different sites which make up this buildings file.


This is part of the Series: RCH01/108 East Thames Corridor Project; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive

This Volume is divided into 3 Child Jobs
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Postcard - Photographic): 1
Photograph (Print): 228
Photograph (Print): 34
Photograph (Print): 7
Photograph (Print): 430
Correspondence: 1
Correspondence: 2
File: 1
Pamphlet: 1
Report: 1
Report: 8


© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive

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People & Organisations

Photographer: Williams, Peter

Archaeological Field Investigator: Morrison, Kathy

Archaeological Field Investigator: Calladine, Anthony

Author: Guillery, Peter

Creator of Archive: Rchme

