A series of surveys of sites under potential threat of development, as part of the East Thames Corridor, undertaken by RCHME Cambridge from April 1994, for Essex County Council.
This is part of the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 21
Annotated Map: 1
Computer Generated Plot: 4
Contour Survey: 1
Measured Drawing: 3
Measured Survey: 7
Book/Volume: 1
Record Sheet/Form: 5
Report: 5
© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive
People & Organisations
Archaeological Field Investigator: Pattison, Paul: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
Author: Pattison, Paul: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
Author: Kenney, Jane: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
Customer: Essex County Council
Archaeological Field Investigator: Kenney, Jane: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
Archaeological Field Investigator: Oswald, Alastair: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
Archaeological Field Investigator: Struth, Paul: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
Tank Trap, Anti Aircraft Battery, Gun Emplacement, Settlement, Salt Works, Salt Works