Flooding in and around Tewkesbury in 2007
Flooding in and around Tewkesbury in 2007. © Historic England
Flooding in and around Tewkesbury in 2007. © Historic England

Webinar Recordings

Here you can find and view recordings from previous webinars. 

To access our webinar recordings, we recommend that you use the Adobe Connect application, which can be downloaded for Windows or Mac devices. If you are unable to install the Adobe application, you can use a web browser; please note, however, that Internet Explorer does not support Adobe Connect webinars or recordings.

If you are looking for our current programme, see the HELM webinars page'Technical Tuesdays' page, and 'Climate Wednesday' page for details.

Technical Tuesday Webinars

  • Concealed decoration. Concealed decoration in historic buildings including wall paintings, masonry, panelling, skirtings and painted timbers. Recorded May 2020.
  • Earthen Mortar. Earthen mortars and plasters, where and how they were used in the past, the science of earth as a material, and its deterioration and repair. Recorded May 2020.
  • Earthen Mortars Case Studies. Earthen mortar and where it was used in the past. Includes two case studies from Lincolnshire and Northumberland where earthen mortar has been used for conservation. Recorded June 2021.
  • Fibrous Plaster. The historic use of fibrous plaster and materials, its deterioration, how to conduct surveys and assessments, repairs, and the latest research into this area. Recorded May 2020.
  • Mortar Analysis. How to use mortar analysis to inform and support building conservation projects, and how to commission it. Recorded May 2021.
  • Mortars for conservation: History and materials. The materials used historically for making mortars, including many different binders and aggregates. Recorded March 2021.
  • Beneath the Surface 1: Earthen Mortar. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
  • Beneath the Surface 2: Fibrous Plaster. Recording available, transcript available on request.
  • Beneath the Surface 3: Concealed Decoration. Recording available, transcript available on request.

Climate Change Webinars

Historic Environment Local Management (HELM) Webinars