Webinar Recordings
Here you can find and view recordings from previous webinars.
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If you are looking for our current programme, see the HELM webinars page, 'Technical Tuesdays' page, and 'Climate Wednesday' page for details.
Technical Tuesday Webinars
Buildings and Dealing With Damp
- Damp, Timber Decay and Sustainability Conference. Recordings of presentations from conference in 2021.
- A Common Sense Approach to Damp Part 1. Recording of webinar, transcript available on request.
- A Common Sense Approach to Damp: Part 2. Recording of webinar, transcript available on request.
Building Materials: Mortars, Fibrous Plasters and Decoration
- Concealed decoration. Concealed decoration in historic buildings including wall paintings, masonry, panelling, skirtings and painted timbers. Recorded May 2020.
- Earthen Mortar. Earthen mortars and plasters, where and how they were used in the past, the science of earth as a material, and its deterioration and repair. Recorded May 2020.
- Earthen Mortars Case Studies. Earthen mortar and where it was used in the past. Includes two case studies from Lincolnshire and Northumberland where earthen mortar has been used for conservation. Recorded June 2021.
- Fibrous Plaster. The historic use of fibrous plaster and materials, its deterioration, how to conduct surveys and assessments, repairs, and the latest research into this area. Recorded May 2020.
- Mortar Analysis. How to use mortar analysis to inform and support building conservation projects, and how to commission it. Recorded May 2021.
- Mortars for conservation: History and materials. The materials used historically for making mortars, including many different binders and aggregates. Recorded March 2021.
- Beneath the Surface 1: Earthen Mortar. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Beneath the Surface 2: Fibrous Plaster. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Beneath the Surface 3: Concealed Decoration. Recording available, transcript available on request.
Building Materials: Timber, Stone, Concrete, Metals
- Building Stones Database for England. Recording and transcript. Recorded August 2023.
- Webinar on Conservation of Reinforced Concrete. Recording available. Recorded June 2021.
- Conservation of Architectural Metalwork: Introduction. Recording and transcript.
- Conservation of Architectural Metalwork: Iron Gates and Railings. Recording and transcript.
- Conservation: Purbeck Marble. Recording and transcript.
- Materials Science for Building Conservation. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- SPAB Fellows Repair and Conservation of Timber-framed buildings. SPAB Fellows from the 2021 programme discuss their experiences of the programme. Recorded 2022.
- SPAB Scholars: Traditional Building Materials and Availability. SPAB Scholars explain their learnings from the 2021 programme. Recorded 2022.
- SPAB Fellows Experiences of Building Materials. Three SPAB Fellows from the 2022 cohort discuss their experiences. Recorded 2023.
- SPAB Scholars: Repairs and materials. Four SPAB Scholars from the 2022 programme cohort explore some technical examples of building repairs using a range of materials, including timber, stone, brick and concrete. Recorded 2023.
Building Services: Installation
- Building Services 1: Principles and Decision Making. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Building Services 2: Installation. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Building Services 3: Inspection and Maintenance. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- External Lighting. Recording and transcript. Recorded October 2020.
- Internal Lighting. Recording and transcript. Recorded November 2020
- Emergency Lighting and Exit Signage. Recording and transcript.
Building Works: Graffiti, Bats
- Building Works and Bats. Recording and transcript. Recorded October 2021.
- Buildings at Risk 2: Graffiti. Recording available, transcript available on request.
Decarbonisation of Heating
- Case study of Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings ground source heat pump project. This webinar presents the new ground source heat pump installation at Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings. Recorded October 2023.
- The use of air source heat pumps in non-domestic historic buildings. This webinar presents the findings from Historic England's study 'The Viability of Air Source Heat Pumps in Historic Buildings'. Recorded September 2023.
- The Decarbonisation of Heating. Looking at the decarbonisation of heating, with particular focus on solutions for historic places of worship. Recorded 2023.
- Low-Carbon Heat Sources. Recording and transcript. Recorded October 2020.
- The Use of Heat Pumps in Historic Buildings. Recording and transcript. Recorded December 2022.
Embodied Carbon
- Embodied Carbon: the Case Against Demolition. Recording and transcript. Recorded 2022.
- What is embodied carbon, how it is relevant to existing buildings and what the UK needs to do about reducing it. Recording and transcript. Recorded June 2023.
Energy Efficiency and Retrofit in Historic Buildings
- The Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Potential (DEEP) project findings. This webinar presents a summary of the DEEP project and its findings. Recorded September 2023.
- Lessons learnt from Building Performance Evaluation of retrofit projects: session 1, overview. Historic England funded a package of detailed evaluation methods as part of the Retrofit Revisit Project. This webinar presents an overview of the project and its initial findings. Recorded August 2023.
- Lessons learnt from Building Performance Evaluation of retrofit projects: session 2, moisture risk assessment and analysis. Historic England funded a package of detailed evaluation methods as part of the Retrofit Revisit Project. This webinar presents detailed project findings on evaluation methods for moisture risk assessment and analysis. Recorded August 2023.
- Retrofit Fundamentals. The fundamentals of historic building retrofit and improving the energy efficiency of traditional buildings. Recorded March 2023.
- Energy Performance Certificates. Recorded March 2023.
- Energy Performance: Achieving an EPC B Rating and the Implications for Traditional Buildings. Exploring energy performance certificates for traditional buildings. Recorded November 2021.
- Climate Change Adaption: Assessing Future Summertime Overheating Risk in Historic Buildings. Recording and transcript. Recorded June 2021.
- Conservation Retrofit: Energy Performance Certificates in the Private Rental Sector Case Studies. Recording and transcript. Recorded May 2021.
- Energy Efficiency: Retrofit in Traditional Buildings Policy and Research Update Part 1. Exploring hygrothermal monitoring and modelling of traditional buildings, and low carbon retrofit case studies in relation to Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings. Recorded January 2021.
- Energy Efficiency: Retrofit in Traditional Buildings Policy and Research Update Part 2. Case studies of traditional and historic building retrofit in relation to Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings, and traditional low-energy approaches to comfort. Recorded February 2021.
- Climate Change Adaptation: Saving Energy Through Daylight Harvesting. Recorded June 2021.
- Climate Change Adaptation: Whole-House Approach to Retrofit. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Retrofit and Flooding. Recording and transcript available. Recorded April 2023.
- Traditional Windows. The care, repair and improvement of the energy efficiency of traditional windows. Recorded November 2020.
Fire and Lightning Protection
- How Climate Change is Increasing Lightning and How to Protect our Built Heritage. The increased frequency of lightning and guidance on approaching this topic. Recorded 2023.
- Fire Alarm Systems in Historic Buildings: Installation and Design. Recorded March 2022.
- Buildings at Risk 1: Fire in Thatched Buildings. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Buildings at Risk 3: Lightning Protection. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Flood Resilience of Traditional Buildings: Learning from Practice. Recorded November 2021.
- Flooding Part 1: Preparation Resistance and Resilience. Recorded October 2020.
- Flooding Part 2: Salvage Recovery and Restoration. Recorded November 2020.
- Retrofit and Flooding. Recorded April 2023.
Projects and Programmes
- BIM for Heritage. Exploring Building Information Modelling (BIM), with links to relevant guidance resources. Recorded June 2021.
- The Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings Project. Recording and transcript.
- Industrial Heritage Webinar 5: Elsecar, Barnsley, South Yorkshire. Describing the work and findings from the Elsecar Heritage Action Zone. Recorded February 2023.
Renewable Energy
- Hydroelectric Power in Historic Landscapes. This webinar presents a summary of findings from Historic England's building services engineers and their consultant Ove Arup's latest study 'Hydroelectric Power in Historic Landscapes'. Recorded November 2023.
- Commercial Renewable Energy Development and the Historic Environment. Recorded May 2021.
- Conservation of Traditional Thatch. Recording and transcript.
- Terne-Coated Stainless Steel: Its Use as a Replacement Material After Lead Theft From Church Roofs. Recorded 2021.
Survey, Assessment, Inspection, and Investigation for Historic Buildings, Sites and Materials
- Drones for Remote Inspection. Recording and transcript.
- Laser Scanning for Remote Inspection. Recording and transcript.
- Reality Capture for Remote Inspection. Recording and transcript.
- Survey and Inspection 1: Thermal Imaging. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Survey and Inspection 2: Geospatial Survey. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Survey and Inspection 3: Damp. Recording available, transcript available on request.
War Memorials
- Conserving War Memorials: Part 1. An introduction to good practice in the conservation of war memorials. Recorded October 2020.
- Conserving War Memorials: Part 2. Good practice in conserving war memorials, with a focus on materials and their specific conservation and cleaning needs. Recorded November 2020.
Windows, including Glass and Glazing
- Traditional Windows. The care, repair and improvement of the energy efficiency of traditional windows. Recorded November 2020.
- Glazing and the Environment. Recording and transcript.
- Conservation: Dealing with Environmental Deterioration of Stained Glass. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
Climate Change Webinars
Climate Friday and Climate Wednesday Webinars, Recorded 2020 to 2022
- Adaptive Release. Managing loss caused by climate change through 'adaptive release'. Recorded in 2022.
- The Models of Supporting Climate Action by Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples. How cultural organisations can support climate action by working with local communities and indigenous people. Recorded November 2021.
- Communicating the Role of Culture and Heritage in Climate Action. Recorded in October 2021.
- Elevating Arts and Culture and Heritage Voices at the 2021 UN Climate Conference (COP26). Highlights components of the Climate Heritage Network's 'Madrid to Glasgow Plan'. Recorded October 2021.
- Heritage in Climate Planning. Associated with the COP26 climate conference. Recorded October 2021.
- Building Reuse is Climate Action! This webinar illustrates a compelling environmental case for building reuse. Associated with the COP26 climate conference. Recorded October 2021.
- Making the Move to Climate Resilient Development. Associated with the COP26 climate conference. Recorded October 2021.
- Harnessing Cultural Heritage for Climate Resilience CLANDAGE Research Project. Recorded June 2021.
- UK Climate Hazard Mapping for Heritage. Recorded 11 June 2021.
- Climate Change and the Historic Environment – a Call to Action! Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Thinking About Interrelationships Between the Climate Crisis and Heritage. Recording and transcript available.
- Mobilising Arts, Culture: An Introduction to the Climate Heritage Network Madrid-to-Glasgow Climate Action Plan. Recording and transcript available. Recorded October 2020.
- Supporting Climate Action by Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples. Recording and transcript available. Recorded October 2020.
- Communicating the Role of Cultural Heritage in Climate Action. Recording and transcript available.
- Mainstreaming Culture and Heritage into Climate Planning. Recording and transcript available.
- Making the Case for Building Reuse through Better Metrics for Avoided Operational & Embodied Carbon. Recording and transcript available.
- Valuing Traditional Knowledge in Climate Action. Recording and transcript available.
- Using Culture to Promote Climate Resilient Sustainable Development. Recording and transcript available. Recorded 2020.
- The Historic Environment & Toolkits for Climate Resilience. Recording and transcript available. Recorded 2020.
Lessons From the Global South Webinars
- Webinar on Climate Change Realities: Experiences from 'Traditional' to 'Modern' Nigerian Architecture. Webinar recording on lessons for climate change and heritage from Nigeria.
- Vernacular Architecture and Adaptation in the Context of Climate Risk Management. Recording of a webinar examining lessons learned from the Global South of risk management for vernacular architecture in the face of climate change.
- Architectural Wellbeing and Planning in Rural-Urban Communities. Webinar recording about lessons from the Global South on architectural wellbeing related to climate change.
- The Physical Elements of Vernacular Architecture and Their Relationship to the Prevailing Climate. Webinar recording focusing on lessons from the Global South on the relationship between vernacular architectural elements and the prevailing climate.
Historic Environment Local Management (HELM) Webinars
HELM Webinars, Recorded 2020 to 2023
- Industrial Heritage Webinar 5: Elsecar, Barnsley, South Yorkshire. Recording and transcript of a webinar describing the work and findings from the Elsecar Heritage Action Zone. Recorded February 2023.
- Tall Buildings. Advice about tall buildings in the historic environment. Recorded May 2022.
- Building Preservation Notice Indemnification Scheme. How is it Going, and What’s Next?: a previous webinar recording looking at the Building Preservation Notice Indemnification Scheme. Transcript available on request. Recorded November 2021.
- Local Heritage Listing. Recording of a previous webinar on Local Heritage Listing. Recorded in June 2020, with link to further guidance.
- Commercial Renewable Energy Development and the Historic Environment. Recorded May 2021, along with further guidance.
- The Broadmarsh Centre, Nottingham: Unpicking a 1960s Urban Planning Mistake. Recording of a previous webinar, with links to relevant guidance.
- How Can the Heritage Sector Innovate, Plan and Explore Creative Ways to Support Long Term Resilience, Now and Post COVID-19. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Minerals Extraction and Archaeology. Recording and transcription.
- Industrial Heritage: Part 1. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Industrial Heritage: Part 2. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Industrial Heritage Part 3. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Industrial Heritage Part 4: Textile Mills of the North- the Impact of Reuse and Regeneration. Recording and transcript of a webinar examining the impact of the reuse of textile mills in the north of England. Recorded November 2021.
- Why Historic High Streets? Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Talking Shop Webinar. Recording and transcript of a webinar introducing historic shopfronts. Recorded November 2020.
- Webinar Reinstating Shopfronts. A free recording and transcript for a webinar on Reinstating Historic Shopfronts With Grant Aid. Recorded November 2020.
- Webinar on Community Engagement in High Streets Projects. Recording and transcript for a previous webinar on community engagement in historic high streets projects. Recorded 25 November 2020.
- Opening Upper Floors in Historic Town Centres. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Temporary Pedestrian Spaces for Social Distancing in Historic Town Centres. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Aerial Sources. Find out how to use aerial sources for heritage with this recording and transcript of a previous webinar. Recorded October 2020.
- Standards for Use of Aerial Sources. Recorded October 2020.
- Book Launch for Ramsgate: The Town and its Seaside Heritage. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Enabling Development: an Introduction to the New GPA4 Guidance. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Listing is Not a Dark Art. Recording available, transcript available on request
- Listing Post-War Assets. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- The Way Beyond Public Consultation. Recording available, transcript available on request.
- Wellbeing and Heritage: a New Strategic Approach. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Online Resources for Archaeological and Local History Research. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Marine Planning. Recording available, transcript in preparation.
- Statements of Heritage Significance. Recording available, transcript in preparation.