English Heritage Science Strategy
By Jim Williams, Edmund Lee, Gill Campbell, EH Science Network
The English Heritage Science Strategy (EHSS) sets out how heritage science supports and feeds into the National Heritage Protection Plan (NHPP)and how English Heritage contributes to the development of heritage science as a whole and the National Heritage Science Strategy (NHSS). It lays out what we do, what we fund and how we work with others and includes a set of short term and medium term actions arranged under three broad headings based on the recommendations of the three NHSS reports:
- Understanding materials and environments.
- Raising awareness, improving methods, access to information and advice.
- Capacity, capability and public benefit.
It also includes a set of overarching actions that focus on how we can work more effectively and help the discipline grow.
Introduction: A science strategy for English Heritage
English Heritage Science Strategy 2012-2015
Topic 1: Understanding materials and environments
Topic 2: Raising awareness, improving methods, access to information and advice.
Topic 3: Capacity, capability and public benefit
Overarching actions
Additional Information
- Publication Status: Completed
- Product Code: 51850
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