Series: Birmingham Jewellery Quarter Project

8 Jul 1835 - 23 Oct 2003
Series containing Photographic, Graphic, Textual and Miscellaneous material
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The project was started by The Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) in November 1998 and continued by English Heritage. The survey was part funded by Birmingham City Council and Advantage West Midlands, resulting in a substantial internal report that formed the basis for the English Heritage publication 'The Birmingham Jewellery Quarter: An Architectural Survey of the Manufactories', published 2002.

The project sought to illuminate the development of the urban workshop economy in the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as the concurrent expansion of the factory system, as applied to the jewellery and metal trades.

The Jewellery Quarter remains largely intact, both as a highly specialised and distinctive working entity and as an historic area of considerable importance.

Archival History

The material in this collection was received from English Heritage survey staff. Each survey report and its associated photography is stored in a separate Buildings File (BF) for each site. Photographic jobs of sites that do not have reports are stored in job number order in one Buildings File (BF108608).


This is part of the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive

This Series is divided into 49 Child Volumes
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 3,359
Measured Drawing: 245
Sketch Plan: 7
Catalogue: 4
File: 49
Pamphlet: 2
Record Sheet/Form: 1
Report: 47
Sale Particulars: 1


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