Series: Early Photographic Print Collection: Richmond upon Thames

late 18th century - 2000
Series containing Photographic, Graphic and Electronic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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A series of 50 items, predominantly photographic prints, showing various locations in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. This series of photographs also includes one taken in Brighton, mounted on the back of another taken in Richmond.


This is part of the Collection: RBO01 Early Photographic Print Collection

This Series is divided into 64 Child Records
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Albumen Print): 17
Photograph (Carbon Print): 4
Photograph (Collodion Print): 4
Photograph (Collotype Print): 1
Photograph (Developing Out Paper Print): 5
Photograph (Halftone): 1
Photograph (Negative): 8
Photograph (Platinum Print): 1
Photograph (Postcard - Halftone): 2
Photograph (Postcard - Photographic): 5
Photograph (Print): 6
Photograph (Printing Out Paper Print): 3
Print - Mechanical: 1
Photograph (Digital): 5


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