Series: Wallet of prints of Westminster Abbey by Bedford Lemere

1954 - 1961
Westminster Abbey, Westminster, City of Westminster, Greater London Authority
Series containing Photographic and Textual material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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The series contains a folded card wallet containing small format black and white photographs by Bedford Lemere taken in 1954 and 1961. The wallet was a complimentary publicity item produced for the London Stone Cleaning and Restoration Co. Ltd of 38 Grosvenor Gardens, London and the photographs were taken during renovation of the interior and certain exterior sections in progress during 1954 and 1961. The images depict: north transept (BL negative number 18028), quire and presbytery ((BL negative number 18027), presbytery (BL negative number 22215), vaulting of quire (BL negative number 22218), quire triforium level (BL negative number 22217) and cloisters (BL negative number 15746).

Archival History

The series was acquired by the NMR in 2009.


This is part of the Collection: HBL01 The Bedford Lemere Collection

This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 6
File: 1


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Bedford Lemere And Company


Medieval Abbey