Collection: Heron Rogers and Partners

1924 - 1943
Collection containing Photographic material
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The collection comprises 7 albums with over 350 construction and progress photographs. They are a record of projects involving Heron Rogers & Partners, consulting engineers and factory architects. Francis Heron Rogers was President of the Institute of Chemical Engineers. Coverage includes chemical and oil factories including plants, housing, dockyards in London, Kent, Hull, Runcorn, Bristol, Gateshead and Cleveland taken for British Oxygen, ICI and others: Album 1: ICI, Calcium Carbide Plant, Runcorn, Cheshire - photographs of plans etc Album 2: Duplicate of above Album 3: British Oxygen Company (B.O.C.), Birtley, Gateshead, TW. Includes prints stamped with name of photographer: Chas Freeman, 31 Dryden Road, Low Fell, Gateshead. Drainage blueprint at back of album.

Album 4: British Oxygen Company (B.O.C.) sites at Bristol and Bilston, Wolverhampton Album 5: British Oxygen Company (B.O.C.) sites at Cricklewood [Allen & Liversedge Ltd], North Wembley, Edmonton, and Wolverhampton Album 6: Medway Oil & Storage Co Ltd, Kent, May 1924 Album 7: Rice Conversion Plant, Hayes, London; C Barber & Co, Hayes, London; British Tar & Chemical Co, Hull (aerial photographs showing site and adjoining shipyard - including ships at various stages of construction?)

Archival History

Received Via : Purchased via Dalkeith Auctions, 10/02/95 Provenance : Heron Rogers and Partners, consulting engineers and factory architects: 181 Queen Victoria Street London EC4 Albums compiled to show record of construction; photographs date from 1924 to 1943, although most cover years immediately preceding Second World War. Some photographs stamped on reverse with photographers name


This Collection contains the following materials:
Photograph Album: 7


Source: Historic England Archive