Accessible Text Alternative for Line Graph Showing the Regional Changes to Historic Environment Staff Numbers
Alternative text version for Figure EMP 2.1b: a line graph showing the regional changes to Historic Environment staff numbers, including a total for England for 2006 to 2018, and for 2020 to 2022.
Changes to historic environment staff in local authorities, 2006 to 2018
East Midlands
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 96%
- 2010: 92%
- 2011: 78%
- 2012: 72%
- 2013: 73%
- 2014: 67%
- 2015: 69%
- 2016: 64%
- 2017: 58%
- 2018: 59%
East of England
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 97%
- 2010: 96%
- 2011: 85%
- 2012: 87%
- 2013: 84%
- 2014: 84%
- 2015: 87%
- 2016: 78%
- 2017: 76%
- 2018: 83%
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 87%
- 2010: 80%
- 2011: 68%
- 2012: 62%
- 2013: 63%
- 2014: 65%
- 2015: 69%
- 2016: 66%
- 2017: 69%
- 2018: 71%
North East
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 107%
- 2010: 92%
- 2011: 86%
- 2012: 94%
- 2013: 87%
- 2014: 82%
- 2015: 84%
- 2016: 80%
- 2017: 74%
- 2018: 75%
North West
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 98%
- 2010: 109%
- 2011: 73%
- 2012: 69%
- 2013: 65%
- 2014: 60%
- 2015: 57%
- 2016: 50%
- 2017: 49%
- 2018: 55%
South East
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 95%
- 2010: 96%
- 2011: 83%
- 2012: 81%
- 2013: 76%
- 2014: 75%
- 2015: 76%
- 2016: 76%
- 2017: 74%
- 2018: 74%
South West
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 88%
- 2010: 74%
- 2011: 69%
- 2012: 67%
- 2013: 62%
- 2014: 58%
- 2015: 57%
- 2016: 56%
- 2017: 54%
- 2018: 53%
West Midlands
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 88%
- 2010: 80%
- 2011: 71%
- 2012: 69%
- 2013: 69%
- 2014: 59%
- 2015: 59%
- 2016: 58%
- 2017: 55%
- 2018: 56%
Yorkshire and The Humber
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 90%
- 2010: 93%
- 2011: 85%
- 2012: 82%
- 2013: 82%
- 2014: 73%
- 2015: 71%
- 2016: 62%
- 2017: 67%
- 2018: 67%
- 2006: 100%
- 2008: 95%
- 2010: 89%
- 2011: 78%
- 2012: 74%
- 2013: 72%
- 2014: 68%
- 2015: 69%
- 2016: 65%
- 2017: 64%
- 2018: 65%
Changes to historic environment staff in local authorities, 2020 to 2022
East Midlands
- 2020: 100%
- 2021: 98%
- 2022: 93%
East of England
- 2020: 100%
- 2021: 101%
- 2022: 102%
- 2020:100%
- 2021: 108%
- 2022: 106%
North East
- 2020: 100%
- 2021: 110%
- 2022: 101%
North West
- 2020: 100%
- 2021: 118%
- 2022: 120%
South East
- 2020: 100%
- 2021: 104%
- 2022: 103%
South West
- 2020: 100%
- 2021: 118%
- 2022: 110%
West Midlands
- 2020: 100%
- 2021: 100%
- 2022: 106%
Yorkshire and The Humber
- 2020: 100%
- 2021: 85%
- 2022: 93%
- 2020: 100%
- 2021: 104%
- 2022: 104%
Figure EMP 2.1b: Local Authority Historic Environment Staff
(OpenDocument Spreadsheet, .ODS format)